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[SOLVED] Is there a way to validate a drive rebuild?

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I just did a parity swap and rebuild with v5B13. The contents of the drive I replaced are available. If I manually mounted that drive is there a script I could run to verify the contents of the new drive? Something that confirms nested folder contents, names and size.



Nothing without a lot of effort.


Step 1. You could generate checksums on all the files. 

Step 2. Then, un-assign the drive and do it again with the simulated drive. 

Step 3. Then, compare the sets of checksums.

Step 4. Then, you need to assign the drive once more and re-construct it again. 

(but then, you'll want to know if it was successful, so goto step 1 and repeat ;))

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I wonder if you could use rsync to do a check of what files have changed between the old and the new. The option -n appears to do a dry run where it scans the files and reports what would have moved.


If it was a simple single drive rebuild then a no-correct parity check would tell you it was OK. However, copying the old parity disk to a new disk and then rebuilding does mean that errors could have been introduced in the parity data which would then lead to a corresponding error on the data disk build and you'd have no way to know it happened. Still, an error like that should show up as a parity disk issue.



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Nothing without a lot of effort.


Step 1. You could generate checksums on all the files.   

Step 2. Then, un-assign the drive and do it again with the simulated drive. 

Step 3. Then, compare the sets of checksums.

Step 4. Then, you need to assign the drive once more and re-construct it again. 

(but then, you'll want to know if it was successful, so goto step 1 and repeat ;))


Thanks, I did a little research. Plan is to run "find . -exec cksum {} \; > filename.txt" on the root of each drive and then do a compare of the files using diff. Slow but nothing so difficult. It's probably not necessary but I wanted to be sure the rebuild worked correctly. I had some issues with the swap process. I wasn't sure if the parity drive had been updated during the initial failure of the drive rebuild.


cksum running for 40 minutes and only up to D. This will take some time.





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