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SuperMicro static IPMI IP

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Hey guys,

Haven't been able to find much on this and, even though I don't believe it's an unRaid issue, I know a lot of users here use IPMI on SuperMicro's boards so I'm hoping someone can help.


The problem I'm having is fairly simple: I can access IPMI when I set it to use DHCP but not when I set a static IP.  Has anyone else run into this?  Any ideas?



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No, not at all.


The very first thing i do is run IPMItool2 to find my new board.

boot it up to the bios, set it to static in the bios and assign an IP.

Then update IPMItool2 to the new IP i just set.

We run dozens of Supermicro servers at work, if we ran DHCP, we would never know what box is what.


http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=14695.msg138464#msg138464 this thread might help you set up the IPMI.



One thing I i have experienced: if you set the IP in IPMItool itself, it looses the IP on reboot of the server sometimes. set it in the bios.

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Hey John, thanks a lot for the reply.


I haven't being using the IPMItool2, actually, I've always used the web interface and done the configuration in the BIOS (I've tried making the change to static IP both in the BIOS and in the web interface after booting using DHCP).  Using the tool vs. the web interface shouldn't make a difference I assume?


I'll be sure to follow the steps described in the link you posted, looks like some good info.  Thanks.



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Well, the instructions on that page didn't seem to have much that I hadn't tried, but, after connecting my unRaid machine directly to the router (rather than through a switch), things seem to have started working.  I'm not sure if that change should've 'fixed' anything, maybe it was just a cache that happened to expire as well, but it seems to be working now.

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