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Some shared folders only sub-directories accessible from Mac OS, not top directory.

Go to solution Solved by ph_,

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I am aware that Mac OS SMB issues are an ongoing topic and seem to come in multiple flavours... 

here comes my contribution ....


Some context:

My setup consists of the unraid server, 2 apple laptops and a windows PC. On the unraid server I have a few private shares. To access them I have one user set up I use for smb access on all mentioned client machines. In addition to this I also run nextcloud which uses these shares as external storage and I have clients set up on the windows pc and the main macbook to sync files. This has worked ok for a few days now.


The issue:

At some point I noticed on the mac, that the nextcloud client would crash after a few seconds. I could narrow down the cause of the crash to 2 folders which sync the contents of 2 shares by stopping all other synchronisation. When mounting then these 2 suspicious shares via finder on the desktop, I noticed the padlock signs, however upon inspecting the properties the permissions for the correct user are read and write. Trying to write to the top directory of the 2 affected shares does not work e.g. /share1/, but strangely enough, I can write into a subdirectory of the share e.g. /share1/somefolder. All other shares behave as usual, no problems. 


On the PC side, I have no problems whatsoever. On the second mac laptop I have the same troubles as on the primary mac, but this one never had the nextcloud sync installed. So the trouble seems to be located with the shares themselves.


I had a glance through the diagnostics and did not see anything obvious in the syslog.txt file, however I am not an expert.   


I would appreciate a holler if someone has come across this kind of problem and could kindly point me in the right direction. 







Edit: Actually, I can delete files from a finder window in the top level of the problematic share , but I cannot drag and drop a file into it. Freefilesync also moves data back and forth without a problem... but nextcloud crashes on every sync attempt.


Edited by ph_
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Resolved it by first duplicating the 2 affected shares then deleting the old ones and renaming the new ones to the previous names on unraid. That solved the lock sign on the shares in OSX. Then removed and then recreated the crashing nextcloud sync connection. 


not elegant... but did the job.

Edited by ph_
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