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RCLONE File Backup

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I've been trying to setup Rclone and I cannot get it to work.

I installed Binhex's Rclone docker and I could setup a remote, but I think there is something wrong with the file system.


I've seemingly watched all the tutorials on YouTube and feel like I've looked at all the documentation, but I cant find the answer.


When I restart the docker, it loses the remote, so it does not seem to be writing to storage.

The config storage is the default "/home/nobody/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" I don't know if this needs to be changed or how.


Also, when I tried copying to my b2 bucket, it could locate the bucket, but could not locate the local folder I was trying to copy from on the NAS.

I would input this:

rclone copy “/mnt/user/TestShare/TestFolder/” B2Cloud:b2Bucket

This did not work, it would error saying it cannot find path /mnt/user/TestShare/TestFolder/


Any help would be really appreciated.

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