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Abillity to combine drives vidia RAID0 to use as parity drives

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It would be really cool, if I could combine drives to create the PARITY drive.  For example, suppose I have an array of 2x14TB and 2x8TB.   Currently, I would use 14TB for parity and the data array would consist of 14TB,2x8TB.   But even though it wastes 2TB of space, there would be an advantage to 2x8TB parity and 2x14TB drive space.   The first is the 14TB are the newer drives, and if I have a drive failure it is less painful if it is the parity drive(s).   Second, is if I am willing to operate without parity for awhile, I can have two drive slots available for swapping in new drives instead of one drive slot.    In my case I have two backup arrays  of 4TB,3x8TB (no redundancy).  I would waist the 2TB either way, because I cannot backup that space.

I being able to combine drives to create the parity disk would help with other disk swap scenarios as well.


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