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[Support] Monocker

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MONitors dOCKER containers and alerts on 'state' change




  • Monitors 'state' changes for all containers 
  • Specific inclusions or exclusions of containers to monitor
  • Optionally, only alert on state changes to (paused, exited, running (unhealthy), or dead)
  • In-built Docker healthcheck



  • Telegram
  • Pushbullet
  • Pushover
  • Discord
  • Ntfy
  • Slack
  • Gotify
  • Matrix
  • Apprise


Message Platforms

Pick one of the following 'message platforms':

- pushbullet@your_api_key@your_device_id
- pushover@your_user_key@your_app_api_token
- discord@webhook_url
- ntfy@topic_title
- slack@bot_user_oauth_token@your_chat_id
- gotify@server_url@app_token
- telegram@your_bot_id@your_chat_id
- matrix@https://matrix.org@user:matrix.org@access-token@room-id:matrix.org
- apprise@apprise_url@config_id@tag 

(For Matrix, add the userid 'without' the leading @ sign. Values are server, userid, access-token, room-id)
(For Apprise, Only one tag is supported, and server_avatar is not currently supported)



This is an optional value, and defaults to false if it is not specified. This feature allows you to specify (with labels) 'either' specific containers to monitor or exclude from monitoring.

If it is set to false, then all containers will be monitored except for ones with the following label in their YAML.

labels: monocker.enable: 'false'

If it is set to true, only containers with the following label will be monitored

labels: monocker.enable: 'true'

If you just want to monitor everything, then set LABEL_ENABLE: 'false' or just leave it out altogether.


GitHub (for detailed instructions)

Discord (main support channel)



Help support future development for Monocker




Edited by petersem
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