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nginx webserver does not display a 404 page....

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I am trying to get up a simple webserver for local purpose only.

I have installed nginx (This one: lscr.io/linuxserver/nginx)

I put custom: br0 as network and i static IP adress.

And then installed it.

I then put a index.php file and a login.php file inside the www folder in nginx

Now when I go to: IP adress/index.php and IP adress/login.php it works fine.

but if I go to IP adress/index without any file extension or go to IP adress/index3.php or any other name.

Then it allways display the index.php file instead of a 404 page.....


How can I manage my settings to get my nginx server to only display right stuff, and go to a 404 page when wrong names are there?

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