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Unprompted Changes To Routing Table

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Hi all. Really strange issue i'm having. My Unraid instance is frequently adding a bad route to my IP routing table.




In the above pic, the 3rd rule down is incorrect. br1 is on the subnet, and br0 is on the When the 3rd rule is in place, it receives no metric, so I assume it is 0, and then all traffic begins moving through that route. Since this is the wrong subnet for that traffic, my firewall drops all packets and the server becomes unreachable. I am only able to access it by changing my firewall rules to temporarily allow traffic across my VLAN, or by changing the IP tables on the command line.

I feel like I should mention, it's actually impossible to resolve this issue via the GUI. It does not permit you to delete the bad route. I can delete all other rules, but that doesn't help me so I try to avoid that.


In the syslog, I notice a service called "avahi-daemon" registering address records for IPs in the subnet on the wrong interface, br0. I feel this may be the service that's causing my grief, but I do not know what it is or how to observe it.


Any ideas??


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