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6.12.10 - File transfer issues - both web GUI & SSH

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Hey gang,


Without changing anything I can think of, I've recently developed an issue transferring files via SSH. I'm basically trying to move files from a cache share manually to another cache share... but no matter what I try, & even if I set all folders recursively to 0777, it just instantly fails with a very generic error 4 - no space on disk or different FS (same FS, in some instances it's literally the same disk) or already exists, etc... any advice on how I can troubleshoot this?


Also, I have a share on a cache pool where I basically dump files from my PC via SSH (this works lol), but then, even using the web GUI file explorer... 'moving' files takes forever. I'm trying to move, say, cache/Share1/* to cache/Share2/*, & I have confirmed the amount of time this takes is based on how large the file is, & I would have thought all it's basically doing is renaming the path? Am I doing something wrong here? I feel like I used to do stuff like this a fair bit & I never had this issue.


Also I'm probably just being dumb, but trying to mv/gmv from the terminal fails.


Thanks for any advice :)

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