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[Unraid 6.12.8] Duplicacy Web UI docker - email on port 465 failing: i/o timeout

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I have Hotio's Duplicacy container running but I am unable to get SMTP emails working. The container config is the same as as other containers that have working SMTP emails (bridge network, smtp server address, username, password, TLS port 465) but when testing the email in the web UI, I get error:

Failed to send the email: read tcp 172.x.x.x:37342->198.x.x.x:465: i/o timeout.

where 172.x.x.x is the container IP and 198.x.x.x is the SMTP server IP. There are no container logs and the duplicacy logs in appdata say the same thing without any additional info. I've confirmed that I can ping and telnet the SMTP server from within the duplicacy container. I just cant figure out why it's not working. Any other ideas?

Edited by CorserMoon
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