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Changes to WAN IP invalidates SSL Cert, server not accessible remotely

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Hi all,


I currently operate two Unraid servers, one of which is offsite backup for the other. Due to internet speed availability, the "offsite" actually lives in my home, while the main server (which hosts a variety of services) lives in another building I own in another physical location.


My ISP offers only dynamic IPs, but I've worked around that effectively by running a user script to automatically update DNS records if and when my public IP changes. This works very well! Except, when this happens, I am no longer able to access the server remotely using Connect. The only solution I've found is to physically travel to the other location, connect to the server locally, and delete the SSL cert and provision a new one. I am then able to connect remotely.


I suppose my question is, is there a way to programmatically delete and provision a new cert? I'd like to add this to my user script for my home-grown dynamic DNS, or at the very least be able to do this via SSH so that I can regain access without traveling to the other location.

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Welp, this occurred again this weekend for me after the power utility cut power to the whole block, including the fiber distribution system for the block. I once again had to travel to he building and reissue an SSL cert as remote access became unavailable.


Surely there must be a way to call the API routes associated with the buttons in the UI, no?

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