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Nextcloud AIO and networking

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I’m new with unpaid (apologize in advance if it isn’t the right place, it wouldn’t open a question  anywhere else). I’m not the best with networking.

Anyway, I’m trying to install nextcloud aio, but I assume the issue will occur with additional dockers once I set them up.

The issue is that it won’t pass the domain confirmation step. I assume that I configured the Nginx proxy wrong, or port forwarding. My setup:


I’ve set the Nextcloud, Nginx proxy, cloudfare docker on the same network

So they give me a “NAT” ip which is linked to the host ip (for ex. >

A. I’ve purchased a domain from Cloudflare, let call it “test.local”.

B. I’ve installed the cloudfare docker as I use DDNS and it updates the ip.

C. In cloudfare I created  a A record “nextcloud” destination to my wan ip.

D. In cloudfare I created a a CNAME “www.test.local” alias to the domain name “test.local”.

E. In Nginx I’ve tried the A record name to point to the NAT ip and to the host IP (with the relevant ports)

F. I’ve tried port forwarding from the ROuter to the NAT ip and the Host ip while setting for example external port 443 to the internal port (11000 or 8089) as the Nextcloud is looking for 443 in the domain test.


I think I got lost with all the forwarding and settings.

I would appreciate any stupid proof advice, guidance or something.


My ports:

Nextcloud Domain authentication - 11000

Nextcloud UI NAT port 8080 > host 8089

Nginx API 3000

Nginx Https 413

Nginx HTTP 88

Nginx Webui 81


Please help.


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