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Unable to access WebUI via Connect or local network after booting machine from long downtime.

Go to solution Solved by ehawman,

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I haven't used this computer in around a year now. I want to tinker with it so I boot it up. Unraid Connect shows it as offline. I have a custom HTTPS port but trying to access that via my local network goes to an nginx 404 page. I'm pretty sure I have the correct HTTP port, but it gets ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED and I seem to recall that being disabled.


I am able to SSH in from another machine on my network and I have root creds so there's a foothold. I can also ping public IPs from it so it definitely has internet access.


I see suggestions on this forum to boot into safe mode, but the only instructions on how to do that use the WebUI.


I would like to just update my current config rather than restart from scratch. How can I get into the WebUI from here?



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