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windows virtualbox works unraid 6.12.10 vm debian problem

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I am sorry if this is vague, i have been trying to figure out on my own as it helps me learn.


I installed virtualbox on windows and installed debian and then followed directions to setup private world of warcraft server. Everything is working.


I wanted to setup on my unraid server so I would not be using my personal machine to host, so I setup vm on unraid, installed debian 12 with no problems. I have a good IP, and I use Putty to do most of the steps.

I am following the steps by nerv on youtube for azerothcore-wotlk for windows vm running linux (debian)

I get so far and I have made it to the next two commands 1. ./acore.sh install-deps    which works fine    2. ./acore.sh compiler all    this is where everything falls apart. It will compile up to 13% and then stop. After waiting for some time I did hit ctrl-c in putty and saw errors that things where not completed and in the vm box i seen errors that I run out of memory.... This vm was setup for 60g and 20g memory with 10 cores and I can not figure out why.

I tried to do this on another server I have with unraid, it is a slower server but I had the same settings and it would get to the compile command and stop at 13% just like the other one.


I have read where this can be done in a docker but the challenge to me was why can it work on windows but not unraid under a vm?


I am an old man and this is something to help me stimulate my mind. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions or explanations that would help me understand I would be greatfull for any push in the right direction.

If there is more info you need please let me know and I will try to get it together in a reply.


thank you

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