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Looking to remote start VMs via Apache Guacamole

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Hey all, 


I've been looking to configure a VM that I can start remotely and interact with via the web browser. I seen an old Space Invader video where he used Apache Guacamole and the plugin Virtual Machine Wake On Lan to achieve this. However, for the life of me I can't get this to work at all. 


I have seen a couple of posts saying it was to do with the Python version, so I've downloaded the recommend Python version and had no luck. I've tried alternative plugins and can't get it to work with that either. 


I was wondering if anyone has a similar configuration to this and if they'd mind pointing me in the right direction? So far the only thing I have close to this working, is sending a Powershell command to wake it works, but Guac does not. Unfortunately Powershell isn't an option as I won't be able to trigger than from an external network or via the browser.

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