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Create Disk Selector in the Web UI


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Hey Everyone,


I am pretty new to the Plugin Development in Unraid and PHP in general. Currently I am trying to write a Disk Selector comparable to the Include/Exclude Disks in the Share Creation.


What I have so far:


_(utilization indicator disks)_:
: <select id="s1" name="usage_disks" multiple="multiple" style="display:none">
  <?foreach ($disks as $disk):?>

Within the Page I can see that the selector gets correctly generated.



But unlike the Share Creation Page, I am unable to create the span with the actual Selector Box. I can't find any hint within the Share Page where it is generated.


Note: I am using mk_option_check on purpose, I don't want to limit it to diskN. The limitation to the correct disks will follow at a later point.


Thank you very much in Advance!

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