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Unraid 5.0 14 Beta locking up

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I have a strange one here.... I've just been moving my disks around after upgrading some to 2 TB from 1 TB however after a while of rebuilding parity the system just locks up, web server goes down as does any remote session!!


When I look at the local console I can see it has got a constant line regarding a bad disk rolling over and over and you can not even login!!!


After bouncing the box I can see that one disk is marked as bad!!! After a few attempts I'm now replacing the bad disk and rebuilding from what was in parity then will update from my back up.


I just thought it was worth pointing out as this is strange behavior i.e. the system locking up. I've attached some pics and a MOV of the console screen and a syslog all be it after a reboot.


Sorry had to amend uploads due to size restrictions.



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