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Just wanted to say thanks...


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Hi folks,


I've finally got my unraid server up and running. While I am fairly handy with computers, this is beyond anything I've done before, and I've only managed to do it because of the extremely helpful people on these forums.


Thanks to your help, I reckon I've made solid hardware choices along the way, and the only reason it has taken me so long is because I was waiting for hard drive prices to come down again.


I pulled the trigger on three 2tb caviar greens the other day, and coupled with an existing 1tb and a cache drive recycled from an old sky+ box, I'm up and running.


I have version 4.7 running, but next job is to try and fight my way through creating a version 5 drive with unmenu, preclear and air video.


Thanks once again folks. Your community is excellent.

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