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[SOLVED]: Newbie clarification

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My UnRAID is humming away on the floor as I complete my pre-clearing.  I have a couple of questions.


1.  From the wiki it seems that the best way to get data into the array,  is to load up onto the server, the hard drive that the data is coming from, as an internal drive.  I can't find any instructions on how to do this;  do I simply install the drive,  then set a share to the drive, without including it in the array of course ?


2.  When the array is running,  can I pre-clear another drive, without stopping the array ?  If not,  do I have to have another instance in UNRAID running on another machine to do this, so that I don't lose downtime ?


3.  Can I swap out the Thumb drive at any time and just copy the contents across to the drive drive ?




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2. Yes, you can preclear a disk while the array is running. You may want to follow the instructions for using preclear with screen. http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Configuration_Tutorial#Preclear_Hard_Drives


3. The unRaid license key is tied to a physical ID of your USB key. If you are using a free version, then yes, you can copy the contents to another USB key & use it. If you have a paid version, copying the files will not work as the license key will not match the ID of a different USB drive.

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