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Moving sata slot and upgrading Parity disk


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I just got two 3tb Reds and I want to make sure I add them to the array safely. I'm running v5.0 rc8a


They're currently pre-clearing and I don't want to remove the drives after they're done. So first thing I want to do is assign my current parity drive slot to the new 3tb slot. Is it as simple as removing the parity drive, boot it up with the array stopped, then re-assigning the parity drive slot to the new 3tb? Or, should I just play it safe and physically replace my current 1.5tb parity drive with the 3tb, rebuild the parity, then move the slots?


I just wanted to be safe and efficient when doing this and double check my steps.


Thanks for your time

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I just replaced my parity drive this past weekend.  This is what I did:


1.  Preclear new disk

2.  Run a parity check on the array

3.  Stop the array

4.  Unassign the current parity drive

5.  Power down system (I precleared on another system)

6.  Remove old drive and replace it with precleared new drive

7.  Power up system

8.  Assign the new drive as the parity drive.

9.  Start the array


If you're pre-clearing on the same system, I believe you can go from step 4 directly to step 9



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Thanks sureguy,


I'll give that a try tonight when they finish clearing.


When I unassign the parity drive, can I just re-assign it to the new cleared drive on another slot/port? Or am I combining too many steps at once?



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You should be able to assign the new drive right away as far as I know.  Hopefully one of the more experienced will chime in, but I can't see any difference between stopping the array, rebooting, and assigning the new drive, or skipping the reboot and immediately assigning the new drive.

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