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21+ Drive Rackmount Case & MB supporting Sata 3


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I've been reading plenty of threads, and can't seem to find anyone who has this combo working.

I think the Norco 4224 case will support this, but I've read about some quality control issues with that case.


There is a nice super micro case, but I'm not sure it supports sata3, and I hear if you don't get a super micro motherboard, it might not fit well (and have front plate header issues).


I'll need to use 3TB drives (and yes, I'll be running 5.0 rc8 and above).


Was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for these requirements.


Not sure if this is tacky, but if someone really wants to consult and put together a recipe, I'd be happy to paypal someone for the assist.  At the moment, I think this meets these requirements. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=21470.0



P.S.  While you are still reading, I'm trying to wrap my head around if I can plug SATA3 drives into SAS controllers.  Are these two connectors identical, and are the protocols compatible?

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I can't speak about case recommendations, but as for your SATA/SAS question:


You can connect SAS controllers to SATA hard drives without problems, you just need the correct cable. Many of the here recommended SAS controllers have SFF-8087 connectors, to connect those to SATA hard drives directly, you would need a forward breakout cable, having a SFF-8087 plug on the controller side and 4 SATA plugs on the drive side.


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