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[SOLVED] Fast copy from protected array to new array

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I think this is possible but there may be angles I'm not aware of so please let me know if I'm crazy(er):


I'm copying from an existing, working, parity-protected array to a new, completely empty array.


If I run with the parity drive I'm getting write speeds of 30-40MB/s.


Can I remove the parity drive and restart the array in an unprotected state?  This will mean unraid won't have to sync two disks when I copy.  I am aware this new system will not have parity protection until I rebuild the parity but I'm not really terribly concerned about that because the data origin has protection.


After I've done the copy (~30TB), can I re-assign the parity drive then rebuild?  Would I miss anything other than parity protection on the new system by doing this?

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