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Data Disk rebuild Error: "attempt to access beyond end of device"


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Hello Forum...


After almost 18mo of using unRAID, I've had limited/simple issues to correct.  I hope this situation is no exception!  Here is the deal:  Using v5.0-rc8a


After finding a great deal on 3TB WD30EZRX drives I decided to replace a 1.5TB drive currently in the array with a new drive.  Upon receiving the disk I powered down unRAID and physically swapped out the disks,  Powered back on unRAID and precleared new disk.  At the conclusion of the preclear process I attempted to add the new 3TB disk to the array in slot disk10 where the previous 1.5TB drive was located.  Once added I got the blue ball next to new drive and began the rebuild process.


At the end of the rebuild process and at about 0132am according to the log I've attached, i recieved this error "attempt to access beyond end of device; sdl1: rw=1, want=4294967352, limit=4294967295" and once process was finished a red ball next to my shiney brand new WD 3Tb drive >:(


This happened to me a while back when replacing a 2tb drive for parity with a 3Tb drive.  The solution, according to a similar issue described in a forum post, was related to disabeling the amount of unRAID add-on packages that loaded and ran during the parity rebuild process.  I'm wondering if this issue i'm having currently when trying to rebuild a data drive is related to the issues with the parity rebuild I was having?


I'm hoping an expert could look at the log i've attached to see if there is something you could explain to me as to why this is happening and if there is a better solution then disabling my add-ons.  I've attempted the rebuild process once more, but this time while in maintenance mode to see if the rebuild process will complete successfully without having to disable my add-ons.


Thanks in advance for any assistance given!


Link to log:






New 3TB disk rebuilt(while in maintenance mode)successfully!  It's so beautiful to see all Green balls next to drives in array.  Not sure what the issue is here, but seeing that no one responded to my OP, my log and info must not have yielded any suggestions for corrections. I guess maintenance mode helped out the process.  But i shouldn't have to do it this way right?  I'm sure to add and rebuild all future drives with this option to avoid panic and anxiety :P.  I have two more 1.5TB drives in my array that I wish to swap out in the future, I hope they go much smoother than this attempt :)


....beers ;D

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