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FOR SALE - ASUS P5PE and Kingston Ram - USED


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This is going to be coming up more and more, as the unRAID user base continues to grow and mature, and there will be more turnover of boards and other components.  Until there is a board set up specifically for sales, if ever, it might be good to establish a recommended procedure and board for it.  This Good Deals! board has been used a few times before, but if that is not desirable, then perhaps the Lounge board would be better?


One thing I would like to recommend is a convention that the subject always begin with "For sale: ", and then include the name of the item(s).  That clearly marks the thread as an equipment sale, and makes it easy for most of us to ignore, if uninterested.


I don't expect this to become a problem, and if the quantity of these does grow, then a board should be dedicated to it.  It is certainly something that could be helpful to many unRAID users, both as sellers and buyers.

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This is going to be coming up more and more, as the unRAID user base continues to grow and mature, and there will be more turnover of boards and other components.  Until there is a board set up specifically for sales, if ever, it might be good to establish a recommended procedure and board for it.  This Good Deals! board has been used a few times before, but if that is not desirable, then perhaps the Lounge board would be better?


One thing I would like to recommend is a convention that the subject always begin with "For sale: ", and then include the name of the item(s).  That clearly marks the thread as an equipment sale, and makes it easy for most of us to ignore, if uninterested.


I don't expect this to become a problem, and if the quantity of these does grow, then a board should be dedicated to it.  It is certainly something that could be helpful to many unRAID users, both as sellers and buyers.


Hi Rob,


Title changed as suggested, thanks as always for your level-headed approach.





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