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SSD Share Dismount..or Is it?


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Hello Forum...  I really need some assistance here!


About a month ago i decided to setup a SSD share outside of my array to store my App add-on Directories(SAB,PMS,SB,MySql).,etc! I do this using a GO script provided by JumperAlex, that will mount the SSD each time unRAID boots up.  This part still works properly and all has been well until recently I discovered that while browsing my PMS library from any peripheral device my SSD share(named AppShare) has been dropping off of unRAID.  I mean that the share is no longer recognized by unRAID gui and my add-ons no longer work.  However, running the 'df -h' command shows that the share is still mounted AND ..the share is still accessable through SMB.  I even went as far as running:


"mount -rw -o noatime,nodiratime -t reiserfs /dev/disk/by-id/ata-CSSD-V60GB2_11458151000006460faf-part1 /mnt/AppShare"


to try and remount the drive from the command line, BUT I get a response stating that the disk is already mounted.


Looking at the logs though show several errors at the time when the share drops off of unRAID which I dont understand and hope an expert can help me out with.  Currently, the only way to get my SSD share back on-line is by restarting my box.  BUT, any PMS activity using any device(HTPC, iPAD) will cause the share to drop off again. 


HELP PLEASE!!  Attached is both my syslog(errors occur around the 10:41:40 time frame in the log) and my GO script which mounts the drive when unRAID boots up..


-Thanks in advance for the assistance!


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