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/usr running out of space


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My PMS install suddenly decided to stop installing properly after ~3 weeks of use.


Is there any way to fix the issue?


Here is me trying to install plex media server. I am using PhAzE PMS plugin.


root@Tower:/# rm -rf /usr/local/plexmediaserver/

root@Tower:/# /etc/rc.d/rc.plexmediaserver start

Installing latest version of Plex Media Server...

cp: error writing ‘/usr/local/plexmediaserver/./libcrypto.so.1.0.0’: No space left on device

cp: failed to extend ‘/usr/local/plexmediaserver/./libcrypto.so.1.0.0’: No space left on device

cp: error writing ‘/usr/local/plexmediaserver/./libboost_regex.so.1.50.0’: No space left on device

cp: failed to extend ‘/usr/local/plexmediaserver/./libboost_regex.so.1.50.0’: No space left on device

... Install OK

Starting Plex Media Server: sudo -H -u nobody /bin/bash -c ". /boot/config/plugins/plexmediaserver/startcfg.sh; nohup /usr/local/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Server > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

PID not created, application did not start for some reason

... Start Failed


This is the output of free

root@Tower:/# free

            total      used      free    shared    buffers    cached

Mem:      1793572    869888    923684          0      8352    701800

-/+ buffers/cache:    159736    1633836

Swap:            0          0          0


This is the output of df -aT

root@Tower:/# df -aT

Filesystem    Type        1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on

proc          proc                0          0          0    - /proc

sysfs          sysfs              0          0          0    - /sys

/dev/sda1      vfat          7812592    440560    7372032  6% /boot

/dev/md1      reiserfs  1953454928 1759713656  193741272  91% /mnt/disk1

/dev/md2      reiserfs  1953454928 1345046192  608408736  69% /mnt/disk2

/dev/md3      reiserfs  3906899292 3011748028  895151264  78% /mnt/disk3

/dev/md4      reiserfs  1953454928 1242623196  710831732  64% /mnt/disk4

/dev/md5      reiserfs    976732736      32840  976699896  1% /mnt/disk5

/dev/md6      reiserfs    488371640      32840  488338800  1% /mnt/disk6

/dev/md7      reiserfs  1953454928 1093840788  859614140  56% /mnt/disk7

/dev/sdf1      reiserfs    488371640  22378720  465992920  5% /mnt/cache

shfs          fuse.shfs 11720719004 8452971860 3267747144  73% /mnt/user0

shfs          fuse.shfs 12209090644 8475350580 3733740064  70% /mnt/user



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