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[SOLVED] unRAID reporting 240gb cache drive as 120gb (my fault)


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Here's the deal:


I'm running 5.0.6 and had a 120gb ssd cache drive working perfectly for a year plus.  I bought a 240gb ssd as an upgrade.  I used a StarTech hard drive duplicator to copy the data from the 120gb to the 240gb drive.  Once I installed the 240gb drive in the unRAID server, unRAID sees the drive as 240gb, but reports the free space as if it's the 120gb drive.


I've searched all kinds of search strings trying to find an answer on my own.  I'm guessing I need to just reformat the 240gb drive and simply copy the files over instead of trying to do a cloning with the drive duplicator dock, BUT I can't even figure out how to format the dad gum cache drive.


I'd appreciate any help from the guys/gals in the know!  Thanks, and sorry for being a dunce.

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After reading another hundred forum posts, I changed my sata configuration in my BIOS to AHCI.  When I rebooted unRAID, it said the cache drive wasn't formatted.  I let it format and then copied all the files back to the cache drive which I had backed up on my laptop.  All is well now.  Drive size and free space are reporting correctly.


By the way, the cache drive was reporting as a hda before the BIOS change and it's sdf now.  All the other drives were reporting as sdX before.

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