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NFS Sharing only in Read Only Mode Unraidb12


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Hello Forum Community,


I've just  recently became an Unraid  6.0b12 newb, I've looked in the search both on the net and in forum here, perhaps i'm asking the wrong thing,


When I try to mount nfs shares from Unraid to Linux, I get to only Create, and Access, as privileges, I've tried various fstab and mount options, and still have only readonly (and create) rights, I'm trying to make a black hole directory for Deluge.


when taking a look at /etc/exports, all shares show ro, despite me setting them inthe GUI as read/write, also set to user 99.



The one post I did find in forums, referenced a regression?, in beta12.  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37588.0 but the poster never explained where to change the variable... I'd change  the export list manually like in linux, but doesn't UNRAID unpack everything to RAM? How does one not only  make the shares read/write, but also persistent.


I'm not afraid of the command line, I have Linux experience in the debian flavors (ubuntu, mint, etc) Slackware, and the ram disk implementation are still foreign to me.


I thank you all for any help you can provide me.





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