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Question of using Dockers/VMs and INCRON... Can anyone help me?


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I've got Couchpotato (CP) /SickRage dockers (Needo) installed on unRaid v.6 and a separate Ubuntu 14.04 VM running as a server. I wanted to run a script based on INCRON that monitors a folder (blackhole) for any .torrent files that are added by Couchpotato so that as soon as a .torrent file is downloaded by couchpotato, this script is triggered by the Incron daemon and the script essentially uses RSYNC to upload the .torrent file to my Seedbox which can then download the actual media file.


However, I've hit a major problem. When I did multiple test runs with CP running on an Ubuntu VM and executing the script, the whole thing worked very well without a glitch. CP downloaded the .torrent files to the blackhole folder, and incron quickly picked up the addition of the file and used that to trigger the bash script I wrote that uploads the file to my seedbox. The problem is that when I am running CP in a docker, and the script/incron on my Ubuntu VM, this doesn't work as well.


After multiple tests, I've narrowed down the problem. The problem is that incron tables are user-specific -- so if I create an incrontab for me (user: rwickra), then when couchpotato running as a docker adds a file that the Ubuntu VM sees it does so as user:99 (nobody). However, this process does not trigger the incron daemon.


I've tested this exhaustively. The script runs beautifully offline. The problem is that the incron daemon does not trigger the script, because from what I can gather, the .torrent file added by CP is seen as a file added by another user and incron is not initiated. Am I missing something here or is there a better way to do this?

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