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6B15 - Sensor-detect and no Docker tab


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Upgraded from B14b to B15 recently and everything was fine. Noticed this morning was getting command line errors from a screen script that runs 24/7. Started and stopped the docker plugin and it wouldn't start. So, rebooted and now have no docker tab.


No errors I can see and a search of the sys log doesn't reveal anything:


Apr 21 12:52:52 Tower logger: Starting docker.io

Apr 21 12:52:52 Tower kernel: BTRFS: device fsid 69c8b90a-85e7-42cf-8559-03f74c2f400a devid 1 transid 330479 /dev/loop0

Apr 21 12:52:52 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device loop0): disk space caching is enabled

Apr 21 12:52:52 Tower dhcpcd[1342]: eth0: sending ARP announce (2 of 2)

Apr 21 12:52:52 Tower logger: Resize '/var/lib/docker' of 'max'

Apr 21 12:52:52 Tower logger: starting docker ...

Apr 21 12:52:52 Tower kernel: BTRFS: new size for /dev/loop0 is 10737418240

Apr 21 12:52:56 Tower avahi-daemon[1690]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv4 with address

Apr 21 12:52:56 Tower avahi-daemon[1690]: New relevant interface docker0.IPv4 for mDNS.

Apr 21 12:52:56 Tower avahi-daemon[1690]: Registering new address record for on docker0.IPv4.

Apr 21 12:52:56 Tower kernel: ip_tables: © 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team


My docker .img is on a cache drive which has no errors.

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So if I go into settings and stop the Docker plugin and restart I get this on the command line:


No sensors found!

Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need

Try Sensors-detect to find out which these are

level ="fatal" msg=Cannot connect to the docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?

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Hopefully someone can help me with this as without it I can't run Plex, and that makes for a very unhappy household!


In the meantime I found I thread re sensor-detect. As mentioned in the thread I download an updated sensors-detect and tried to run it and got:


sd.sh: line 23: require: command not found

sd.sh: line 25: use: command not found

sd.sh: line 26: syntax error near unexpected token `('

sd.sh: line 26: `use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :seek);'


I have no idea if the sensor-detect is related to the docker not starting but I'm willing to try anything at this point!

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Ok so it looks like the two are unrelated. Fixed the sensor errors by adding driver info to my Go script (never had to do this in all the years using unRaid).


As for Docker, it seems like the image had run out of space. I've increased the size of the docker image which lets Docker start, unfortunately it only shows one of the apps (Plex), the more complicated ones I had setup such as Apache and MariaDB aren't listed anymore.


Docker.img corruption?

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