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Array Stop, Stuck at Sync Filesystem Indefinitely


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I'm not certain what is causing this, however recently stopping my array for whatever reason has been met with less than stellar results.


If I stop the array from the WebUI I normally will either get to the "Sync Fileystem" forever, or if I am lucky enough, I get to the unmounting disks part, and it retries, and retries, for about ever.


After being stuck at sync filesystem, I SSH'd in an attempted to follow the manual route to cleanly shutdown the server.


I had 2 disks that were supposedly busy (5 & 8 ).

So I did a ps -ef and located the PID's and attempted to kill them.

This did nothing, they kept running.


I ran a bunch more outputs to see if someone can see what this is that keeps causing issues.


Attached is my syslog, and also a bunch of outputs from SSH that may be helpful in diagnosing.


This is not a 1 time issue, any time I go to stop my array it is a role of the dice if I will have this issue (more often than not it happens lately).


Running 6vb15, 3 dockers, 2 VM's.


Thanks for any help, my server is currently just stuck, I issued a shutdown -r now however it is just sitting there not doing anything.



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Apr 21 21:20:36 Server logger: plugin: installing: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.plg

Apr 21 21:20:36 Server logger: plugin: not installing older version


I do not have experience with some of the subsystems you are using, so cannot comment on them, but there is one thing I noticed, quoted above.  This is evidence of unRAID v5 files on your boot drive, and the last time I saw this, and they re-formatted and re-prepared their flash drive for v6, it seemed to fix all of their problems.  If you don't get a better idea, I would redo your boot drive, using the instructions in the first sections of the Upgrading to UnRAID v6 guide as a guide.  The no-format section describes what HAS to be removed from a v5 flash, if that's useful.

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Apr 21 21:20:36 Server logger: plugin: installing: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.plg

Apr 21 21:20:36 Server logger: plugin: not installing older version


I do not have experience with some of the subsystems you are using, so cannot comment on them, but there is one thing I noticed, quoted above.  This is evidence of unRAID v5 files on your boot drive, and the last time I saw this, and they re-formatted and re-prepared their flash drive for v6, it seemed to fix all of their problems.  If you don't get a better idea, I would redo your boot drive, using the instructions in the first sections of the Upgrading to UnRAID v6 guide as a guide.  The no-format section describes what HAS to be removed from a v5 flash, if that's useful.


Hmmm, that is certainly plausible!

I will take a look at the contents of the drive, and follow the included guide, thanks!

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