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Upgrading from unRAID 5 as a xen domu to unRAID 6 as host


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I currently run unRAID 5.04 in a domU on a debian jessie server, IIRC the kernel was pulled out of the VHD provided in https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.0


I was thinking of switching over an unRAID 6 host as it seems running it in a VM is a pointless now (the server has a few other things going on but nothing that couldn't just move over to another VM or docker container).


Are there any particular issues/gotchas in this upgrade path that I should be aware of? or does the standard 5->6 upgrade approach apply?


The hardware is a haswell i5 + asrock z87 extreme 6 mobo with bonded dual NICs. No GPU passthrough or anything going on atm.

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