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uninstall unmenu


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Try this it worked for me found it on another post.

Quote from: djdexter on March 16, 2011, 06:24:35 PM

how do i uninstall unmenu and then reinstall it...to do a "clean install" with out F'n up my current setup array

cp /boot/unmenu/unmenu_install /tmp/unmenu_install

rm -rf /boot/unmenu


If you want to remove all the downloaded packages.  This will also remove any configuration settings you may have made by removing all the .conf files:

rm -rf /boot/packages 


Then, to re-install.

mkdir /boot/unmenu

/tmp/unmenu_install -i -d /boot/unmenu


I'm curious though, what do you think will happen differently?  unMENU does not just "break" and it does a pretty decent job of updating itself.


Joe L.


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