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Plex Docker: Trap Divide Error


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For a week or two now my Plex Server transcoding sessions keep crashing.  I would have transcoding sessions going and then get this error and all my users gets kicked out.  Direct Play sessions still remaing though.


Jul 25 09:01:29 MediaTower kernel: traps: Plex New Transc[19482] trap divide error ip:5b2020 sp:7ffcb15b3310 error:0 in Plex New Transcoder[400000+1160000]


I've tried all of the following and it's still crashing


  • Upgrading and downgrading from 6.0 to 6.01
  • Upgrading and downgrading Plex from to to
  • Resetting Folder Permission from Unraid Tools
  • Installing the dockers from Limetech, Needo and Linuxserver.io repository.
  • Booting Unraid on a different USB


I'm all out of ideas.  Please help.  Attached is my syslog


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