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Upgrade from 5.0.6 to 6.0.1 - Doesn't read config files off flash


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I have a second flash drive, so I was planning on install 6.0.1 on it and using the upgrade path to upgrade my 5.0.6 server.  I formatted the drive, copied the unraid files over, ran make bootable.  No problems.  I then followed the instructions, copied the files in /config over to the new drive, as well as the  shares folder.  I took care to not overright the go file, I also copied my key over with /config. 


The system boots, then looks for DHCP (configured as static in the config), so I know it isn't picking up my config info.  No web gui starts as well...  Attached are screenhots of my drive setup.  Could my flash being NTFS have anything to do with it?  Any other ideas?




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