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Replacement drive shows "faulty" during rebuild. Need help!

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Looking for a little help here. I powering down and replacing a red-balled 2TB drive with a new 3TB drive. When I kicked off the rebuild a warning popped up saying "unraid needs attention one or more disks are disabled or invalid" and I have a "faulty" yellow light on my replacement disk (sdd aka disk 1) and it says my parity is invalid. It is currently in the process of rebuilding. Should I stop it now or wait for it to finish the rebuild to see if it clears up? Attached are the syslog.


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The last entry in the syslog is at Aug 18 18:15:43, and prior to that there are no issues.  Disk 1 appears to be rebuilding correctly.  Are you saying that errors popped up after that time?  If so, can you provide a later syslog that includes the errors?

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I think the yellow just means data drive is being reconstructed.  Parity is not considered completely valid until all drives (including the parity drive) are green, so that isn't really an error.  I think you are fine.  That's an earlier version of Dynamix, updated considerably in v6.

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