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Trap Divide Error


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For almost a month now my Plex Server transcoding sessions keep crashing.  I would have transcoding sessions going and then get this error and all my users gets kicked out.  Direct Play sessions still remain though.



Aug 29 13:36:24 MediaTower kernel: traps: Plex New Transc[24929] trap divide error ip:5b2020 sp:7ffebf89acc0 error:0 in Plex New Transcoder[400000+1160000]


I've tried all of the following and it's still crashing


Upgrading to 6.1 RC6

Ran memtest for days without error

Converted all my drives from RFS to XFS

Upgrading and downgrading from 6.0 to 6.01

Upgrading and downgrading Plex from to to to

Resetting Folder Permission from Unraid Tools

Installing the dockers from Limetech, Needo and Linuxserver.io repository.

Booting Unraid on a different USB


I'm all out of ideas.  Should I go out and get a new CPU and Motherboard?  Please help.  Attached is my syslog. 



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I've had this build since Nov 2012 I think.



M/B: MSI - Z77A-G43 (MS-7758)

CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz

HVM: Enabled

IOMMU: Disabled

Cache: 1024 kB, 256 kB, 8192 kB

Memory: 16384 MB (max. installable capacity 32 GB)

Network: eth0: 1000Mb/s - Full Duplex

Kernel: Linux 4.1.5-unRAID x86_64

OpenSSL: 1.0.1p

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Did it used to work before a month ago? I doubt it is a hardware issue as your specs are pretty similar to mine.


I would try changing the transcoder directory to unRAID's memory if you have not already. Somewhere there is a post from JonP about this but I cannot find it so I am going from memory.

1. Go to your docker page and edit your plex app

2. See picture 1 and add that your your plex app settings

3. turn on plex and then go to setting -> server and change "Transcoder temporary directory" to /transcode (Picture 2)

4. Save changes and see if that fixes the problem.




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