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Windows 7 Host Unable to see User Shares


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At some point in my progress of upgrading to v6; I have seemingly lost the ability to access my user shares or see my unRAID v6.1.6 server on my network from a Windows 7 workstation.  I am able to access the shares via AFP and SMB on my macbook.


I have:


- verified NFS, AFP, SMB are enabled

- verified no iptables rules are blocking 138, 139, 445 (unRAID doesn't appear to use one of t hose 3 ports for SMB)

- verified all the shares are exported in said ways that I need to access

- ensured my workstation and unraid are within the same workgroup and that master is set to yes on unRAID.

- disabled any/all network firewall policies on my windows 7 machine


additional steps I tried without success in the end result of access the shares in any way:


- installed Umich's NFSD4.1; has its own issue of complaining about AD (I'm not using a directory environment on my home network)

- modified Windows 7 Profession to Enterprise registry settings so I could attempt to install NFS client tools via Windows Components as it is unavailable on Professional; but is available for Enterprise versions (didn't work)


I can reach the server via browser

I can ping the server without any issues


Running out of ideas.  I am attaching a bunch of data, not sure if it is helpful; but here goes.






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