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New user building first unRAID box What file system to use??


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So I am curious what you guys recommend for a file system on unRAID.



ReiserFS? (doubt it)


I was leaning towards XFS but thought I would ask.

My preclear is about finished so it's time to make some decisions.


Let me outline my planned use for this box.

It will be my main file/media server.

It will be running Plex Media Server.

It will also be running at least one VM and maybe two.

That first VM will be a Windows domain controller (w2k8r2)

I have been running this domain since 1999 and it allows me to test and do things that I wouldn't be able to do otherwise.


I am also planning on building another box to be a backup (or the primary) fileserver here.

Not sure if I want that to be a FreeNAS box or not.

ZFS has really piqued my interest.

Anyways, one step at a time. I want to get comfortable with unRAID before heading down the FreeNAS road.

I have a lot to learn, having been a Windows guy from the start...


Anyone here using both unRAID and FreeNAS?

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