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Cannot add a new drive to my array


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I have a 4Tb parity drive, and a 4Tb data drive all working fine. When I come to add a new 4Tb drive, it recognises the new drive, I have pre-cleared it, I assign the drive and try and start the array but it just stops saying there is a new disk. I don't get the option to format the new drive? Help please.

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I assume RC2? If so LT is aware, no fix currently.

I'm trying to add a new(ish) disk to the array but after I've assigned it to an empty slot (disk 2 slot) and started the array it just loops and goes straight back to "click start to bring array online and pre-clear disk, etc" without the array actually starting. The disk hasn't been used on unRAID before and is freshly cleared in OS X.


I recall an issue like this quite some time ago (perhaps V5 era). Diagnostics attached.






Yes, this is a bug.  Fixed in next release.


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