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1430sa won't work in my Asus P5E-VM DO


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Needed more space so I bit the bullet and picked up a 1430sa. I add it to the 16x slot in my Asus P5E-VM DO. System boots but I never see the OSD during post for the BIOS.


I added the card to a HP worstation I have. I spot the card's config screen, go in disable the bios, save, shutdown, connect drive, boot and all looks good.


I remove the card and put it back in the Asus and nothing. I disabled the on board video and added a PCI card. Still no good. I've tried changing some of the other bios settings but still the same. Anyone have any suggestions I could try on my motherboard? Anyone running a rig like mine?


Thanks db

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I suspect that this particular 16x slot works with video cards only.

You should call Asus and check that.


While this may be very true in these very forums some have used "video only" slots with raid cards successfully. I'm just hoping someone might be able to share their experiences with similar Asus motherboards good or bad.


I will be following up with Asus as well.  

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