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New User - Advice Needed


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Hi guys,


Been searching for a New NAS solution for quite some time, and after extensive research it looks like Unraid might be the winner!


Main Aim: Is to use The server as a media storage device to share HD media to several HTPC's I would also like to use it as a Print Server and a torrent Client.




I have just a few questions however:


1. Im pretty unfamiliar with Linux, Ive seen a fair few scripts for torrent clients etc, for a newb how hard it is out of 10 to setup? also with a torrent client, would it be possible to set one HDD aside for incomplete/complete torrent downloads that is separate from the array and move them over manually once the downloaded files have been confirmed etc?


2. Does Unraid have sleep functions? i.e Shut the server down at say 2am and either 'wake' at a preset time OR wake when one client is turned on?


3. Are the options to add print server functions?


4. I am yet to purchase a Motherboard for my setup, I currently have an AMD LE2160 processor so are there any recommendations for an AMD AM2 based motherboard?






My intial plan is as follows


AMD le2160 processor

AMD AM2 mobo


Flash drive for Unraid

2tb parity drive

5  x 1.5tb Samsung f2 ecogreen drives.






Any advice or tips will be much appreciated.



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1. Im pretty unfamiliar with Linux, Ive seen a fair few scripts for torrent clients etc, for a newb how hard it is out of 10 to setup? also with a torrent client, would it be possible to set one HDD aside for incomplete/complete torrent downloads that is separate from the array and move them over manually once the downloaded files have been confirmed etc?


1A:). A lot of newbies start with unraid and some of them end up as pros. You can use unraid as a torrent server, which requires an addon to be installed I(easy to do and their is a thread on this form which shows you how to do it). See the link below for more info on torrent supprt on unraid:




2. Does Unraid have sleep functions? i.e Shut the server down at say 2am and either 'wake' at a preset time OR wake when one client is turned on?


2A:). To make it sleep, again, there is scripts or the use of a 'at' command on the 'go' command to make the server power down ata  certain time. Their is a few threads on this forum too to make the server 'sleep' too and plenty of advice on how to do it too. To make your server power on, you can configure a Power On time in BIOS or use a WOL utility to schedule a WOL packet to your servers NIC. See the link below for the sleep script:




or a VB script to power off your server:




3. Are the options to add print server functions?


3A:). I believe members on the forum have discussed this, and it is possible, requires some tweaking, but is possible. See the link below:




4. I am yet to purchase a Motherboard for my setup, I currently have an AMD LE2160 processor so are there any recommendations for an AMD AM2 based motherboard?


4A:). I'd refer to the Hardware Compatibility Listing to see if your chipsets, onboard devices, etc... are supported. See the link below for the HCL sute for unraid:




2GB RAM - Is fine

Flash drive for Unraid - Use a 2GB or more USN (Ie: Lexar or SanDisk)

2tb parity drive - The way to go

5  x 1.5tb Samsung f2 ecogreen drives. - Your on the money, Samsumg disks seem to be the rave these days.


Hope this information helps in you getting on the unraid bandwagon. It is a great NAS solution, has heaps of expandability, a greta furom as backup for support and being builton Linux, it is rock solid and very customizable too. Good Luck.


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AMD LE2160 processor

A what?  I've never heard of that CPU, and Google returns nothing.


As for a motherboard, you basically just want to find one with onboard gigabit LAN that uses a NIC that is on the hardware compatibility page, basic onboard video, and and at least 6 onboard SATA slots.


I can personally vouch for the Biostar A760G M2+ as having all of these features and working with unRAID, since that is the mobo that I use (and it should work with your processor, assuming it is AM2 as you stated).

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1. Im pretty unfamiliar with Linux, Ive seen a fair few scripts for torrent clients etc, for a newb how hard it is out of 10 to setup? also with a torrent client, would it be possible to set one HDD aside for incomplete/complete torrent downloads that is separate from the array and move them over manually once the downloaded files have been confirmed etc?


1A:). A lot of newbies start with unraid and some of them end up as pros. You can use unraid as a torrent server, which requires an addon to be installed I(easy to do and their is a thread on this form which shows you how to do it). See the link below for more info on torrent supprt on unraid:




2. Does Unraid have sleep functions? i.e Shut the server down at say 2am and either 'wake' at a preset time OR wake when one client is turned on?


2A:). To make it sleep, again, there is scripts or the use of a 'at' command on the 'go' command to make the server power down ata  certain time. Their is a few threads on this forum too to make the server 'sleep' too and plenty of advice on how to do it too. To make your server power on, you can configure a Power On time in BIOS or use a WOL utility to schedule a WOL packet to your servers NIC. See the link below for the sleep script:




or a VB script to power off your server:




3. Are the options to add print server functions?


3A:). I believe members on the forum have discussed this, and it is possible, requires some tweaking, but is possible. See the link below:




4. I am yet to purchase a Motherboard for my setup, I currently have an AMD LE2160 processor so are there any recommendations for an AMD AM2 based motherboard?


4A:). I'd refer to the Hardware Compatibility Listing to see if your chipsets, onboard devices, etc... are supported. See the link below for the HCL sute for unraid:




2GB RAM - Is fine

Flash drive for Unraid - Use a 2GB or more USN (Ie: Lexar or SanDisk)

2tb parity drive - The way to go

5  x 1.5tb Samsung f2 ecogreen drives. - Your on the money, Samsumg disks seem to be the rave these days.


Hope this information helps in you getting on the unraid bandwagon. It is a great NAS solution, has heaps of expandability, a greta furom as backup for support and being builton Linux, it is rock solid and very customizable too. Good Luck.



Nice post!  :)

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