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Hugepages and memory errors


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I'm trying to run a Docker that has some setup steps that is recommended to run. With out these settings the Docker performance is almost 50%.

Here are the suggested setup instructions.  I know unRAID OS is a little unique, so I'm looking how to satisfy these requirements in the unRAID environment. I have tried running the Docker as privileged.


I get this error in the logs when running the Docker: Error: MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mmap failed


On Linux you will need to configure large page support "sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=128" and increase your ulimit -l. To do do this you need to add following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf - "* soft memlock 262144" and "* hard memlock 262144".


You can also simply run-as-root or privileged , but this is NOT recommended for security reasons.

Memory locking means that the kernel can't swap out the page to disk - something that is unlikey to happen on a command line system that isn't starved of memory. I haven't observed any difference on a CLI Linux system between locked and unlocked memory. If that is your setup see option "no_mlck".

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