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Is parity check running?

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I've written a script that will run an encoding job with Handbrake whenever a file is found in a certain directory. Everything works great. I also check to make sure HandbrakeCLI is not already running before queuing any new file in the directory.


I would also like to prevent the encode queue if the parity check is currently running. How can I check this in a script?


Many thanks


I'm using unRaid 4.5

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I've written a script that will run an encoding job with Handbrake whenever a file is found in a certain directory. Everything works great. I also check to make sure HandbrakeCLI is not already running before queuing any new file in the directory.


I would also like to prevent the encode queue if the parity check is currently running. How can I check this in a script?


Many thanks


I'm using unRaid 4.5


you need to use the following as a guide.  If parity sync is not running you get this

root@Tower:/boot# /root/mdcmd status | grep Resync



If it is running, you get something like this:

root@Tower:/boot# /root/mdcmd status | grep Resync







You can basically just grep for "mdResync="  If it is anything other than 0, a parity check is running.


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Thanks for the quick reply. Executing /root/mdcmd status | grep Resync gives me one of the two result (while parity is running) in telnet...


Binary file (standard input) matches






I'm a novice at scripting, but not a total n00b. Could you help a little more with the code?


if [ $(/root/mdcmd status | grep Resync) -ne 0 ]
echo "Parity running"
echo "Not Running"



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  • 1 month later...

if [ `/root/mdcmd status | grep -aw mdResync | awk -F= '{print$2}'` != 0 ]; then

   echo "Parity check in progress"

   return 1





Your version of just doing grep-a Resync could have problems in the event where parity check is running as grep would return multiple lines and the test statement won't handle it.

the -w flag forces grep to match the word entirely.


awk -F= '{print$2}' is a neater way of selecting the data after the equal sign IMO

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if [ `/root/mdcmd status | grep -aw mdResync | awk -F= '{print$2}'` != 0 ]; then

   echo "Parity check in progress"

   return 1





Your version of just doing grep-a Resync could have problems in the event where parity check is running as grep would return multiple lines and the test statement won't handle it.

the -w flag forces grep to match the word entirely.


awk -F= '{print$2}' is a neater way of selecting the data after the equal sign IMO


And yours might choke if something other than a numeric value is returned at some point in the future, or nothing is returned.  Probably better to put the "0" in "quotes" as well as the entire `grep ...| awk ` command"


if [ "`/root/mdcmd status | grep -aw mdResync | awk -F= '{print $ 2}'`" != "0" ]; then

    echo "Parity check in progress"

    return 1


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