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menu.c32: not a COM32R image

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hey fellas. first post and all that.


system profile:


Core2Duo E6600


SanDisk 2GB Cruser Micro (the only thing i had to buy!)

unRAID 4.5.3


after going to buy the flash drive (the cheapo 2gb i had in my desk drawer didnt work) and getting it to boot, i started getting this:


SYSLINUX 4.00 4.00-pre40 EBIOS Copyright...
Hello, World,! from (hello.c)
menu.c32: not a COM32R image
menu.c32: not a COM32R image
menu.c32: not a COM32R image
menu.c32: not a COM32R image

it slowly reprints this message ad infinitum. having a little linux under my belt (started with slackware 7.0), i typed bzimage into the boot prompt just out of curiosity, and it says

Loading bzimage.....ready.

yay! but, it jumps to the top of the framebuffer and begins overwriting the previous boot prompts/etc and looks something like this

Decompressing linux...
uncompression error
--System halted

and hangs there, even despite a ctrl-alt-delete.


so i hopped on the forums, read a little, and tried unRAID 4.4.2. same result. switched between FAT and FAT32. forced the USB2 controller to USB1 speeds. and finally, i updated my bios. still the same lot.


...after having typed this up, i think i might try an older version of syslinux (namely, the one linked in the download section of lime-tech's main site).


but other than that, does anyone know what that even means? haha.


as a final note, thanks in advance for any replies. =)

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