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Waiting for key-add 3th data drive?


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I bought my keys last night, but I haven't gotten them yet so I'm still using unRAID Basic.  I'm ready to add data to a 3rd drive.  Would it be OK to pull one of the drives and put it aside, fill the new one with data and then add the other one back when the keys arrive?  I'm worried it will confuse the system, or is it smart enough?  THANKS!

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I bought my keys last night, but I haven't gotten them yet so I'm still using unRAID Basic.  I'm ready to add data to a 3rd drive.  Would it be OK to pull one of the drives and put it aside, fill the new one with data and then add the other one back when the keys arrive?  I'm worried it will confuse the system, or is it smart enough?  THANKS!

It will clear the data on the additional drive unless you initialize the drive configuration.


I'd do it this way.

Stop the Array by pressing "Stop" on the web-interface.

Un-assign the parity drive AND one of the existing data drives by use of the "Devices" page.

You can assign the additional data drive in place of the one you un-assigned.

Log in and issue the "initconfig" command (assuming you are running 4.5.4 unRAID)  If not, press the button labeled as "Restore" on the web-interface.  It is poorly labeled, as it is actually a button to set a new initial configuration.


Then, you can start the array.  Since no parity is assigned, you will have no parity protection.  If you wish parity protection, you'll need to re-assign the parity drive and then wait for parity to be calculated on the new configuration of drives.


Once you get the new license key, you'll again need to issue the initconfig command in between assigning the additional (filled) data drive and subsequently starting the array, otherwise, it will be cleared.  If the instructions on the web-management screen say new drives will be cleared, stop, do not press "Start" to start the array, otherwise the new disks will be cleared (completely overwritten with zeros, with NO chance of data recovery).  You've not issued the initconfig command, or not pressed "Restore" in between assigning the drives and subsequently starting the array.


Joe L.

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