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I got it to work......! Ok, so I'm too stupid to put a new drive in the unRaid..


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Guys, I think I've got this figured out but since I'm not sure yet, I'll leave this up and IF I can figure it out, I'll delete it and if not, I'll remove the do not respond so for now, no need to respond...thanks


****** Ok, I think I've got it figured out ******


I have cleared the drive which took about 5-8 hours and I have formatted it and now I see it and how much space it has empty.

This means it's ready to go, right? It's #6 in the array, the FYPS one... http://www.extuff.biz/does-the-unraid-look-ok-w-new-drive.htm


Can someone tell me how much space I have left as I'm getting an error from a program that there isn't enough space to copy stuff over..










That doesn't mean I shouldn't get help, right?




Because of my previous post where I said that my file sync proggy told me there was not enough storage on the unraid, I thought I'd pop in another drive since I hadn't gotten any replies to my thread but dammit, I can't get it to work.


It's one of the WD Enterprise drives and although the unraid SEES it when it boots up, it does NOT show up on the main page or the device page.


I even took it out and put the thing on the jumpers between 7 and 8 and still nothing.


It's the WD2002FYPS model.


Thanks for any help and for gods sake, keep it simple people. I'm dumb as hell when it comes to this stuff.     ???



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