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MB/CPU died, Should I have any issues with my new hardware.


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A few weeks ago I posted this where my system would lock up. Turns out it was hardware as now my system will no longer post.


I have a few questions has my new hardware has rocked up and I would like to get it up and running with the least amount of headaches.


I am going from a C2750D4I to a Asus Prime Z370-A/ Intel CPU Core i5 (8 series) with a raid Card (9217-8i) for the extra Sata ports build. (extra RAM is also being installed)


1. As a fix attempt I had started an upgrade ,and I was doing the reboot when the system did not recover. Should I have any issues with the upgrade as I am switching hardware mid upgrade.

2. Im switching from build in Sata ports to a raid card. Should I have any issues with hard drives with the switch of systems. 

3. If I do have to start from scratch, Will my current unraid lic be ok or will I need to buy a new one cause of the system change and being unable to recover the old setting for what ever reason.

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