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(Solved in current RC) Is there a way to remove the '.local' from the hostname?


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I am an above average computer user, but still learning Linux...

I am trying to remove the domain portion of the hostname...


In otherwords, some boxes I have work with "tower" and others for some reason need "tower.local"... I want to be able to access unraid with just "tower" in all situations and not have to figure out if the box I am on needs to use "tower.local" instead...


I can't seem to find a setting that relates to this in the Ident Settings, or anywhere else, and my google-foo is coming up short...



Best way would be able to set it up on the hosts table on your router. If you can't do that set it up on the hosts file of your machine. On a mac and in Linux it should be /etc/hosts. Personally I just always use the IP.


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