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eth0 eth1


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Hi guys,


I have an SC2600CP board with two NICs.  Having a board with two NICs is fairly new to me, so I'm looking for some help here.  For some reason one of the NICs always registers as 100 Mbps, while the other is 1000 Mbps.  Usually this does not cause any issues.  However, on occasion, and currently, unraid bonds to the 100Mbps connection.  Is there a way I can force it to use the 1000 Mbps connection?  Not sure if this is a BIOS thing either.  I can access the motherboards integrated web BMC console when it's plugged in, which is pretty helpful.  I believe both NICs are 1 Gbps anyway, so I'm not sure why one gets assigned 100 Mbps.


EDIT - please disregard....it appears the cable I was using was bad.  Both NICs are registering as 1000 Mbps now.

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